17th Townhomes

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17th Townhomes

Charlotte, North Carolina

Changing household demographics, coupled with a shortage of affordable housing and the climate crisis, is challenging the antiquated, American ideal of living in a single-family detached home.

SLO designed 17th Townhomes as a solution for medium-dense housing that provides a balance of privacy and community, while maintaining the neighborhood’s unique character. 17th consists of five townhomes—two- and three-story multiplex units—situated on a small, corner parcel. Vernacular architecture and strategic placement of the homes ensures responsiveness to the site context, weaving the development into the surrounding neighborhood’s fabric.  

17th Townhomes is designed for high energy efficiency, water conservation, and open space. Green features that maximize North Carolina’s Tree Save ordinance promote water-efficiency and enhance interactions between the built and natural environment are integrated throughout the site.


Residential / Townhomes



CoHab Development


Urban Design Partners, civil engineer and landscape architect
Intelligent Design Engineering, structural engineer